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Strides Premium 3.82 and Strides Course Design 7.47

Updates for Strides Course Design 7.47 and Strides Premium 3.82 are now available for downloading. These updates include bug fixes in course tracking for design and print formats and being able to create courses for Combined Training.

This update has also introduced the new features of extra page formats for printing. While older versions of Strides Course Design and Strides Premium allow you to print in Portrait as well as the default Landscape format. Strides Course Design 7.47 and Strides Premium 3.82 has introduced 2 extra options of Portrait and Landscape. These two options give the you a choice that best uses the page, depending on the shape of the arena. A standard size rectangular arena where width is about two thirds the its length, suits the current default landscape with the course details on the right hand side of the arena. A long narrow arena would suit the second Landscape option with the course details situated below the course plan. If the arena is more square shaped, a portrait format best fills the page. Portrait 2 is ideal for course designers who prefer to have the course going up and down. Many hunter course designers prefer this format. To select the preferred print format, open the Strides Print Preview and then select the preferred page format.

To upgrade your version of Strides please visit the Strides Download page. Make sure you are logged in or no link will be visible.

Default Landscape format
Portrait format
Second Landscape option
Second portrait  option





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